“Optima WFM is focused on WFM for contact centres – it’s all we do.
Connor Bourke, CEO
Digital and Human WFM

Optima WFM is a technology company, focused on the management of both digital and human workforces. Our focus is better utilization of budgets by elevating customer experience and maximising favourable outcomes for our clients from their business process spend.
In environments with human employees, we offer WFM technologies including machine learning, artificial intelligence and predictive modelling in our delivery of traditional workforce management, rostering, schedule adherence and campaign resourcing. We maximise the value we deliver to our clients by leveraging technology where beneficial and appropriate including cloud applications for agent interaction, machine learning for predictions and RPA robots for real-time adherence monitoring and reporting.
In environments with digital employees, we offer 24 x 7 automated and attended scheduling, cobot workforce management and exception intervention to keep your Robotic Process Automation robots fully functional around the clock. Through our network operations centre we provide monitoring and management of attended and unattended bots, delivering the missing elements of control, audit and immediate intervention as required to maximise digital employee productivity and avoid non-delivery on schedule.
Being a technology company, we can deliver an exceptional outcome for less than the cost of employed resources. Optima WFM is the first specialist WFM provider to use its technology smarts to extend WFM services to digital employees.